Digby, as the title claims, is a big ol' dog who was a cute little pup before he lapped up a compound meant to produce bigger
The gargantuan canine makes for the usual sight gags, culminating when Digby licks up a vast lake. Beaumont, the dog's
owner, tries to locate a reducing serum before the Army can blast his pup into oblivion.
The film drags because too often, instead of Digby and his owner on the screen, there are some not-so-comic comics.
Children will love it, and maybe you will.
This is one of those movies that evokes all the childhood memories. I still remember viewing this and as a kid and watching
it recently it held its greatness.
Sure it is a little silly. OK, a lot.
That matters not though, big animals and the hysterics they cause may have been the stuff of 1950 B-Movies but it makes
for a right old adventure as Digby becomes massive and wreaks havoc across the country.
The special effects are obviously terrible but that all adds to the nostalgia, as does Spike Milligan. Above all else
this is a slice of british history.
Even from the subtleties of them eating breakfast in a british cafe, or the old cars. This is a hark back to a time when
british were proud and the movies were innocent.
Producer Shenson also delivered Beatle films HELP! and A HARD DAY'S NIGHT.
This film stars a very shaggy, slobbery main character. The exploits of this loveable pooch make for an entertaining family
After his already enormous sheepdog laps up a bowl filled with a secret growth formula, English school boy, Billy White,
really has his hands full.
The dog grows to mountainous dimensions. Her Majestys Armed Forces, usually film heros, understandably beloeve that the
only way to stop this Canis humongous is to blow him to doggie heaven.
Digbys young master, Billy White, has quite another plan. Billy seeks to reverse the effects of Project X with an equally-potent
shrinking serum. Can Billy accomplish his plan in time? Pray for our Digby.
This U.K. production didnt prove very popular in England, but when it crossed the Atlantic, its zany comic skits and oddly-dubbed
dialogue appears to have earned Digby a loyal litter of fans who anxiously await a chance to see the big dog in action again.
HBC has few details on this film.
It is clarrly set in England because the boy wears a traditional school uniform, complete with peaked cap, blazer, tie,
short trousers, and kneesocks. The boy's peaked cap had an usually large peak. Also the long hair he wore rather dates the
film to the 1970s.
There was a time when prep schools would not have allowed such long hair.
This film stars a very shaggy, slobbery main character. DFigby begins as a loverable and small little puppy. He wont stop
growing until he destroys us all. Of course, he is Digby, the Biggest Dog in the World, and he must be stopped.
You can't blame Digby for this state of affairs. He is only an unfortunate British sheepdog. How was he to know the harmless-looking
liquid he lapped up was actually the super-secret Project X, a vegetable-growing compound?
But lap he did, and he begins getting getting and bigger, pounding shockwaves into the city streets and slurping up entire
lakes with his gargantuan tongue.
Her Majestys Armed Forces, usually film heros, understandably beloeve that the only way to stop this Canis humongous is
to blow him to doggie heaven. Digbys young master, Billy White, has quite another plan.
Billy seeks to reverse the effects of Project X with an equally-potent shrinking serum. Can Billy accomplish his plan
in time? Pray for our Digby. (Our British friends refere to a family member as "Our Bill" or "Our Jane".)
