The BBC Goons Quiz
The chaos which surrounds the fictional characters in `The
Goon Show' has had a tendency to spill over into real life and affect anyone associated with the shows. The history
of the programme is confused and often contradictory. The BBC's files have been thor- oughly complicated by last-minute
changes of cast, changes of ti- tle, and other incidents; and people who were involved with the shows
occasionally say things in interviews and articles which suggest that their memory is playing tricks on them
- hardly sur- prising at this distance in time. It is with the hope of clearing up as much of this confusion as possible
that this Goonography has been undertaken.
Researching the details proved to be something of a
Goon Show in itself, sorting through microfilmed files and scripts at the BBC, ploughing through the Radio Times,
and, where possible, checking against recordings of the shows themselves. In research of this complexity
there is always the chance that small details will go astray; the readers indulgence is asked for any errors which
may have crept in.
An explanation of the BBC's programme filing system is perhaps necessary.
When the original recordings were made, they were kept for transmission and subsequent repeats in identification numbers which
have been quoted in the chronological index. These are the numbers beginning SLO, TLO, and
so on. None of the original recordings still exists under these numbers. Some were trans- ferred
to 'Recorded Programmes Permanent Library' (better known as Sound Archives) under new numbers. Those preserved in
this way are detailed in Appendix 3.
It is a popular myth that the BBC keeps all its programmes. This would
be impossible, as a building the area of W1 would be re- quired to house them
all. Sound Archives exists to preserve a representative sample of programmes, and in fact 'The Goon Show' is fairly
generously represented - 41 programmes out of 241 ('IT- MA' is represented by 44 out of 312, for example). However,
129 shows are preserved in the Transcription Services issues for use by overseas radio stations (and in fact the
1975 series of re- peats was drawn entirely from Transcription Services' library). The
main part of this Goonography is a chronological index of all the shows, with their titles, transmission dates,
cast changes, and other relevant information. It is preceded by an alphabetical index covering both
official and announced titles (where these are different), and followed by appendices dealing with, among other
things, the Transcription Services issues, the shows in Archives, and non-Goon-Show appearances by the
It would have been impossible for me to have compiled all this information without
the help I received. My colleagues Tim Smith and Peter Copeland acted as research assistants, Dennis Main Wil- son,
Peter Eton, John Browell, Bobby Jaye, Ron Belchier, David Allen, Brian Willey, George Martin and Norma
Farnes kindly an- swered silly questions over the telephone. BBC Sound Archives, Script
Library, Registry (Radio and Television), Programme Index, Transcription Services and Written Archives Centre at
Caversham, and many other departments, were most helpful in providing access to their files and in checking
details, as was the British Film Institute. My thanks to all of them. R. F. Wilmut February, 1977
So many characters appeared in the Goon Shows that it is impossi- ble to list them all; all the major characters
are included and many of the minor ones, but not those who appeared in one show only.
A few minor characters were played by different people from time to time - they are listed under the artist who usually
plays them. HARRY SECOMBE plays Neddie Seagoon
Old Uncle Oscar Fred Bogg (cockney idiot) Mr. Nugent Dirt Big Chief Worri Guts
plays Mr. Henry Crun Cynthia/'Breathy
Dear' Hercules Grytpype-Thynne Hern (American Announcer) Major Dennis Bloodnok
Babu Banerjee Bluebottle
'Dear Duchess' William ('Mate') Hairy Scot Lew/'Cash'/Judge
Schnorrer 'Swede' (rustic voice) Gravely Headstone
'Geraldo' Flowerdew ('camp' voice) 'Cyril' ('I seen 'im') Dr. Justin Eidelburger
'Dimbleby' Reuben Croucher 'Churchlll' William
J. MacGoonigal and the piano (very badly) (sometimes)
plays Eccles
'Wolfit' (tragic actor) Miss Minnie Bannister Fred Fu-Manchu (and other
fiendish Chincse gentlemen) Count Jim Moriarty Abdul/Singhiz
Thingz Throat/Miss Throat Mr. Lalkaka Yakamoto
Bowser (upper-class twit) Jim Spriggs
Basil (upper-upper-class twit) Adolphus Spriggs (wandering William J. MacGoonigal (other singer)
times) Little Jim
RAY ELLINGTON plays Big Chief Ellinga The
Red Bladder Gladys
Official titles are indexed to series and number, or date if out- of-series.
Transcription Services (TS) and announced titles which differ from the official title are referred
to that title. In the case of announced titles, only the announcement at the be- ginning of the show is considered,
not that after the musical items (unless the show is episodic). Third series shows
are in- dexed by their official title only. Some announced titles merely add 'Great' to the
official title (e.g this index; if a title cannot be found, try removing 'Great' from it (or in some cases, adding
it: 'The Tuscan Salami Scandal' is correctly
* indicates announced title differing from official one.
indicates TS title differing from official one. + indicates announcement for part of a show (other than
3rd series). V = 'Vintage Goons' (after 8th series in main list).
The Shows
Services issues
Series/number (originals in
Title or date brackets)
`_________!'* ** see World War One
Adventures of Fearless Harry
Secombe, The +
regular spot in first five minutes of
4/3,8,10 and some 3rd series
Affair of the Lone Banana, The 5/5 (4) 2
Africa Ship Canal, The 7/22 (45) 43
African Incident 8/14 (59)
Albert Memorial, The V/14 (V/14) 8
Archers, The 3/6
Archie in Goonland 11-6-54
Ascent of Mount Everest, The 3/24
Bandit of Sherwood Forest, Ye 5/14 (87)
Battle of Spion Kop, The 9/9
Booted Gorilla, The 5/10 (91)
Brain* see Western Story
British Way, The 4/12
British Way of Life, The 3/10
Building of Britain's First Atomic
Cannon, The 4/4
Building of the Suez Canal, The 3/21
Bulletto* see The Invisible Acrobat
Burning Embassy, The 8/3 (62) 49
Call of the West, The 9/12 (75) 25
Canal, The 5/6 (5) 28
Captain Stingo, or Goon Law, or
Anythingggggg (Hern)*
see The Call of The West
Case of Agent X2, The
see The Silent Bugler
Case of the Fake Neddie Seagoons, The* **
see The Mystery of the Fake Neddie
Case of the Missing CD Plates, The 6/5 (23) 63
Case of the Missing Heir, The 5/16 (8) 30
Case of the Vanishing Room, The 4/21
Childe Harrolde Rewarde, The 9/6 (74) 82
China Story 5/17 (9)
China Story (Radio Show version) 29-8-56
Chinese Legs, The 10/3 (82)
Choking Horror, The 6/22 (26) 37
Christmas Carol, A 10/1 (86) 58
Christmas Crackers (contribution) 25-12-53
Cinderella 26-12-51
Collapse of the British Railway
Sandwich System, The 4/24
Collapse of the British Railway
Sandwich System, The*
see The Mustard and Cress Shortage
Confessions of a Secret Senna-Pod
Drinker* ** see The End
Conquest of Space, The 3/23
Coronation Edition 3-6-53
Crime Does Not Pay*
see The Kippered Herring Gang
Crime Does Not Pay Income Tax
see Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Crun
Curse of Frankenstein, The 8/18 (64) 51
De Goonlies, The 3/22
Death in the Desert*
see The Lost Gold Mine (of Charlotte)
Dishonoured - Again 9/13 (78)
Dishonoured, or The Fall of Neddie
Seagoon 5/12 (7)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Crun 4/16
Dreaded Batter-Pudding Hurler (of
Bexhill-on-Sea), The 5/3 (88)
Dreaded Piano Clubber, The 4/1
Dreaded Piano Clubber, The V/12 (V/12)
Drums Along the Mersey 7/2 (31) 71
Egg of thc Great Auk, The 3/2
Emperor of the Universe 7/14 (104)
End, The 5/26 (13) 33
Evils of Bushey Spon, The 8/25
Expedition for Toothpaste, The 3/5
Fear Of Wages, The 6/25 69
#50 Cure, The 9/17 (80)
Fireball of Milton Street, The 5/22 (94)
First Albert Memorial to the Moon, 4/7
First Albert Memorial to the Moon,
The* see The Albert Memorial
Flea, The 7/12 (36) 15
Flint of the Flying Squad 3/12
Flying Saucer Mystery, The 4/10
Foiled by President Fred 6/7 72
Forog 5/13 (93)
Fred Fu-Manchu and his Bamboo
Saxophone* see The Terrible
Revenge of Fred Fu-Manchu
Fred of the Islands 3/1
Ghastly Experiments of Dr. Hans
Eidelburger, The 4/3
Giant Bombardon, The 4/13
Giant Bombardon, The V/4 (V/4) 74
Gibraltar Story, The 4/5
Gold Plate Robbery, The 9/16 (79) 26
Goons Hit Wales, The 1-3-56
Great Art Mystery, The*
see The Mystery of the Fake Neddie
Great Bank of England Robbery, The 4/29
Great Bank of England Robbery, The V/11 (V/11) 12
Great Bank Robbery, The 7/7 (101)
Great British Revolution, The 8/12 (57) 48
Great Ink Drought of 1902, The 4/22
Great Regent's Park Swim, The 8/4 (5O) 21
Great Statue Debate, The 8/26 (107)
Great Trans-Africa Canal, The*
see The Africa Ship Canal
Great Tuscan Salami Scandal, The 6/23 (28) 68
Greatest Mountain in the World, The 4/23
Greatest Mountain in the World, The V/2 (V/2) 9
Greenslade Story, The 6/14 66
Hansard Unexpurgated*
see The Ink Shortage & The Great
Ink Drought of 1902
Harry Proves he is not a Dog+ see
The Spanish Armada
Hastings Flyer - Robbed, The 6/15
Her 2/8
Histories of Pliny the Elder, The 7/25 (105)
History of Communicauons, The 4/18
House of Teeth, The 6/20 (24) 67
I Knew Terence Nuke*
see Dishonoured - Again
I Was a Male Fan Dancer 3/3
I Was Monty's Treble 9/2 (67) 54
Ill Met By Goonlight 7/23 (46) 20
In Honour Bound*
see Foiled by President Fred
Ink Shortage, The V/7 (V/7)
Insurance, the White Man's Burden 7/21 (44) 19
Internal Mountain, The V/9 (V/9) 11
International Christmas Pudding, The 6/9 (17) 65
Invisible Acrobat, The 4/28
Jet-Propelled Guided NAAFI, The 6/19 (99)
Junk Affair, The 8/2 (49)
King Solomon's Mines 8/10 (55) 75
Kippered Herring Gang, The 4/19
Kippered Herring Gang, The V/5 (V/5)
Kleens of Blenchinghall, The*
see The Gold Plate Robbery
Last of the Smoking Seagoons, The*
see The Last Smoking Seagoon
Last Smoking Seagoon, The 10/6 (85) 57
Last Tram (from Clapham), The 5/9 (90)
Lost Colony, The* **
see The Sale of Manhattan
Lost Gold Mine (of Charlotte), The 5/2 (2) 27
Lost Horizon*
see Shangri-La Again
Lost Music of Purdom, The*
see The Missing Scroll
Lost Year, The 6/13 (20)
Lurgi Strikes Again**
see Lurgi Strikes Britain
Lurgi Strikes Britain 5/7 (89)
MacReekie Rising of '74, The 7/4 (32)
Man Who Never Was, The 3/20
Man Who Never Was, The 6/27 (30) 13
Man Who Never Was, The 8/21
Man Who Tried to Destroy London's
Monuments, The 4/2
Man Who Won the War, The 6/1 (97)
Merry Christmas and Custard, A*
see A Christmas Carol
Mighty Wurlitzer, The 6/16 (21)
#1,000,000 Penny, The 9/3 (68) 81
Missing Battleship, The 8/8 (53)
Missing Boa Constrictor, The 7/24 (47) 44
Missing Bureaucrat, The 4/8
Missing Christmas Parcel, The 8-l2-55
Missing Prirne Minister, The 4/15
Missing Prime Minister of 1953, The*
see The Missing Ten Downing Street
Missing Scroll, The 5/19 (11) 31
Missing Ten Downing Street, The V/3 (V/3)
Moon Show, The 7/18 (40) 16
Moriarty Murder Mystery, The 8/17 (61) 77
Mountain Eaters, The 9/5 (70) 23
MunUnified Priest, The 4/17
Mumnnified Priest, The V/1 (V/1) 4
Mustard and Cress Shortage, The V/8 (V/8)
My Heart's in the Highlands*
see The Curse of Frankenstein
Mysterious Punch-up-the-Conker, The 7/19 (41) 17
Mystery of the Cow on the Hill, The 3/18
Mystery of the Fake Neddie
Seagoons, The 7/9 (35) 14
Mystery of the Marie Celeste
(Solved), The 5/8 (6) 29
Mystery of the Monkey's Paw, The 3/17
Nadger Plague, The 7/3 (100)
Napoleon's Piano 6/4 (14) 3
Nasty Affair at the Burami Oasis, The 7/1 70
Navy, Army and Air Force, The 3/9
Ned's Atomic Dustbin 9/10 (73)
Ned the Miser +
see The #1,000,000 Penny
Nineteen-Eighty-Five 5/15
Nineteen-Eighty-Five 5/20
Operation Bagpipes 4/9
Operation Christmas Duff 24-12-56
Pam's Paper Insurance Policy, The 9/4 (69)
Personal Narrative 7/8 (34) 40
Personal Narrative of Captain Neddie
Seagoon R.N., The*
see Personal Narrative
Pevensey Bay Disaster, The 6/10 (18) 34
Phantom Head Shaver (of Brighton),
The 5/4 (3) 59
Plasticine Man, The 8/13 (58) 76
Policy, The 8/9 (54) 22
Port of London Authority's Valuable
Hand Carved Oil Painted Valuable
Floating Pier, The*
see The Sinking of Westminster Pier
Quatermass O.B.E.*
see The Scarlet Capsule
Queen Anne's Rain 9/8 (72) 24
Raid of the International Christmas
Pudding, The 6/17
Reason Why, The 22-8-57
Red Fort The 8/7
Rent Coliectors, The 7/16 73
Robin Hood 26-12-52
Robin Hood rec. 2-12-56 (48) 84
Robin's Post 10/4 (83) 56
Rommel's Treasure 6/6 (15) 6
Round the World in Eighty Days 7/20 (43) 18
Saga of HMS Aldgate, The 3/4
Saga of the Internal Mountain, The 4/27
Sahara Desert Statue, The 9/1 80
Sale of Manhattan, The 6/11 (19) 35
Scarlet Capsule, The 9/14 (76)
Scradje 6/26 (29) 5
Seagoon MCC* **
see The Man Who Won the War
Seagoon Memoirs, The 9/7 (71) 55
Search for Rommel's Treasure, The*
see Rommel's Treasure
Search for the Bearded Vulture, The 3/16
Seaside Resorts in Winter 3/13
Secret Escritoire, The 6/2 (98)
Shangri-La Again 6/8 (16) 7
Shiftng Sands 7/17 (39) 42
Siege of Fort Knight, The 4/30
Siege of Fort Night, The V/13 (V/13)
Siege of Khartoum, The+
see The History of Communications
Silent Bugler, The 4/25
Silent Bugler, The V/10 (V/10) 79
Silver Dubloons, The 10/5 (84) 83
Sinking of Westminster Pier, The 5/21 (12) 32
Six Charlies in Search of an Author 7/13 (37)
Six Ingots of Leadenhall Street, The 5/23 (95)
Sleeping Prince, The 7/6 (42) 64
Space Age, The 8/6 (51) 45
Spanish Armada, The 4/11
Spanish Suitcase, The 5/11 (92)
Specue of Tintagel, The 7/5 (33) 39
Spon 8/1
Spon Plague, The 8/23 (66) 53
Spy, The
see Who Is Pink Oboe?
Starlings, The 31-8-54
Stolen Postman, The 8/11 (56) 47
Story of a Crime Type Murder, The*
see The #1,000,000 Penny
Story of Civilization, The 3/15
Story of Lord Seagoon, Playboy of the
Western Approaches, The*
see Robin's Post
Story of the Plymouth Hoe Armada,
The 3/25
Strange Case of Diplomatic Immunity,
see The Case of the Missing CD Plates
String Robberies, The 8/16 (60) 78
Survey of Britan, A 3/11
Tale of India, A*
see The Red Fort
Tale of Men's Shirts, The 10/2 (81)
Tales of Montmartre 6/18 (22) 36
Tales of Old Dartmoor 6/21 (25)
Tay Bridge, The 9/15 (77)
Telephone, The 7/11 (103)
Ten Snowballs that Shook the World 8/20 (63) 50
Ten Thousand Fathoms Down in
a Wardrobe 4/14
Terrible Blasting of Moreton's Bank,
The (see note 8 to 5th series)
Terrible Revenge of Fred Fu-Manchu,
The 6/12
Terror of Bexhill-on-Sea, The*
see The Dreaded Batter-Pudding
Hurler (of Bexhill-on-Sea)
Thing on the Mountain, The 8/15 (106)
Through the Sound Barrier in an
Airing Cupboard 4/6
Tiddleywinks 8/24
Toothpaste Expedition, The 4/20
Tragedy of Oxley Towers, The 3/14
Treasure in the Lake, The 6/24 (27) 38
Treasure in the Tower, The 8/5 (52) 46
Treasure of Loch Lomond, The*
see The Treasure in the Lake
Under Two Floorboards - A Story of
the Legion 5/18 (10) 61
Vanishing Room, The V/6 (V/6) 10
Western Story 4/26
What's My Line? 7/10 (102)
Where Do Socks Come From? 3/19
Where does Santa Claus go in the
Summer? 3/8
Whistling Spy Enigma, The 5/1 (1) 1
White Box of Great Bardrfield, The 5/25 60
White Neddie Trade, The 8/19
Who Is Pink Oboe? 9/11
Wings Over Dagenham 7/15 (38) 41
World War One 8/22 (65) 52
Yehti 5/24 (96)
This index comprises a complete chronological listing of the ten
broadcast series, together with the 'Vintage Goons' series recorded for:
Transcription Services concurrently with the 8th series, and the
specials such as 'Cinderella', 'The Starlings', 'The Reason Why' and
'Archie in Goonland'. Short contributions to other programmes are
also included if they were recorded during Goon Show sessions, but
appearances by the Goons in other programmes and on television are
listed in Appendix 4, which also includes 'The Last Goon Show of
All', and other appearances since the Goon Shows proper finished in
The Chronological Index is laid out as follows:
PAGE HEADINGS: Producer, script credits, day of broadcast and
pre-recording, and changes of cast applicable to the whole series.
The script credits are given as in the official documentation; in
fact it seems likely that Larry Stephens made at least some contri-
bution to many of the scripts credited to Milligan alone, and that
some of the scripts listed as collaborations were largely Milligan's
work. In general, Stephens's plots tend to have a beginning, a
middle, and an end; whereas Milligan's tend to have a middle....
SERIES NUMBER: Straight numerical listing within each series.
Some BBC files list cumulative numbers; these get progressively
more inaccurate.
TRANSMISSION DATE: Date of first transmission only. All first
transmissions were on Home Service except 'The Goons Hit
Wales' (Light Programme 1-3-56), and 'Operation Christmas
Duff' (General Overseas Service, 24-12-56). Most in-series shows
were repeated a few days after the first placing, usually on Light
Programme. Many shows also went out on the General Overseas
Service. None of these repeats has been listed. There were also a
number of repeats between series, and since the shows ended; for
details of these see Appendix 1. To facilitate the repeats on Light
Programme, most shows from the 6th series on had separate Light
Programme announcements pre-recorded and cut into the tape
after the first transmission to replace the Home Service identifica-
RECORDING NUMBER: Reference number of the original record-
ing - made over landline, usually at Broadcasting House, from the
outside studio (the Playhouse Theatre, the Camden Theatre, etc.).
SLO = 33 r.p.m. coarse groove 16" disk recorded at Broad-
casting House.
SBU = ditto recorded at Bush House.
TNC = ditto recorded in Newcastle (!)
TITLE: The title given here is the official BBC title; references are
given to the notes following. Transcription Services have adopted
different tides for several shows; these have been shown adjacent
to the original title. The first two series do not have titles, as the
shows are episodic.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Changes of cast for individual
shows (mostly the addition of guest artists) and recording dates
other than the previous Sunday are also shown. Except where
noted, the shows are nominally half an hour long, usually with
about a minute and a half of playout to bring the duration to just
over thirty minutes.
Notes to each series (except the first two, which do not require
detailed notes) follow each series listing. Announced titles which differ
from the official have been detailed, together with any other relevant
NOTE 1 indicates throughout that the show is not announced by any
coherent tide (except, of course, as 'The Goon Show'); for the pur-
poses of these notes, only announcements at or near the beginnings of
the show are being considered, not those after the musical items.
The 3rd series shows are not included in this, as the tides given do
not usually apply to the first sketch, which often does not have a title
in any case. Those 4th series shows which are episodic have been
detailed in the notes; there is usually no very coherent tide given to
the first episode in these shows.
The technical work in the studio is divided as follows; 'Panel' Studio
Manager (balance and control - the term derives from 'mixing panel',
the old-fashioned name for the studio desk); 'Grams' SM (playing
pre-recorded effects on disk and tape, as well as gramophone records);
and 'Spot Effects' SM (live effects in the studio).
It has not been possible to assemble full show-by-show credits for
the technical staff who worked on the Goon Shows over the years,
as no official records have been kept (apart from occasional credits
on the fronts of scripts, and in a few closing announcements at the
ends of series); and at this remove those involved cannot remember
accurately which shows they worked on. The information which follows
lists the main team of Studio Managers for each series, but in some
cases members of this team were replaced owing to leave, sickness, etc.
1st series - no details available; it appears that there was
no regular team.
2nd series - 'technical supervision' of the series (i.e. panel
SM) is credited to Keith Fell in the closing
announcement of the last show.
3rd, 4th & 5th series - Panel - John Browell (who later produced
the 9th and lOth series)
Grams - Ian Cook
Spot - John Hamilton (David Allen on some shows)
'The Starlings' - Panel - Harry Green
Grams- Barry Wilson, assisted by Ron
6th, 7th & 8th series - Panel - Bobby Jaye
Grams - Ian Cook
Spot - Ron Belchier
9th series - Panel - Brian Willey
Gram- Ian Cook
Spot - Harry Morriss
1st Series
Billed as: 'CRAZY PEOPLE, featuring Radio's own Crazy Gang-
'The Goons".'
with Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe, Spike Milligan, Michael Bentine,
The Ray Ellington Quartet, The Stargazers, Max Geldray, and
except where stated) the BBC Dance Orchestra, conducted by
Stanley Black. Announcer Andrew Timothy, except nos. 8-10,
announcer Denys Drower.
Scripts written by Spike Milligan and Larry Stephens, edited by
Jimmy Grafton. Produced by Dennis Main Wilson, except 11-14
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont. Nos. 1-9 broadcast on Mondays, nos.
10-17 on Thursdays. All pre-recorded the previous Sunday.
The shows consist of four or five short sketches separated by musical
1 28-5-51 SLO 90268
2 4-6-51 SLO 90269
3 11-6-51 SLO 90452
4 18-6-51 SLO 90366
5 25-6-51 SOX 59949
6 2-7-51 SLO 91295 (with the BBC Revue Orch. cond. by
Robert Busby)
7 9-7-51 SLO 91565 (with the BBC Revue Orch. cond. by
Robert Busby)
8 16-7-51 SLO 92262
9 23-7-51 SLO 92468
10 2-8-51 SLO 92867
11 9-8-51 SOX 61088*
12 16-8-51 SLO 93368
13 23-8-51 SOX 61088*
14 30-8-51 SLO 93400
15 6-9-51 SBU 71149
16 13-9-51 SLO 94892 (with the BBC Revue Orch. cond. by
Robert Busby)
17 20-9-51 SLO 95143 (without Geldray, with Marie Benson
(vocalist) and the Skyrockets Orch.
cond. by Woolf Phillips)
SP 26-12-51 SLO 99928 CINDERELLA (pantomime)
with Lizbeth Webb as Cinderella,
Graham Stark as Prince Charming: The
Goons: The Stargazers: The Ray
Ellington Quartet: Max Geldray and
the Augmented Dance Orchestra con-
ducted by Stanley Black.
Produced by Dennis Main Wilson.
Recorded 16-12-51
* obviously these shows can't both have had the same number, but it has
not been possible to cross-check any further the information given in
those official files which still exist.
2nd Series
Billed as 'THE GOON SHOW, featuring those crazy peop!e . . .'
Cast and musicians as for the previous series for the first SIX shows
after which the Stargazers left.
Scripts by Spike Milligan and Larry Stephens, edited by Jimmy
Grafton (who also wrote special lyrics for some shows).
Produced by Dennis Main Wilson.
Broadcast Tuesdays, pre-recorded the previous Sunday (except nos
24 & 25).
1 22-1-52 SLO 1768
2 29-1-52 SLO 2147
3 5-2-52 SLO 2519
12-2-52 No transmission owing to the death of
King George VI
4 19-2-52 SLO 3334 (BBC Dance Orch. cond. by Stanley
5 26-2-52 SLO 3627
6 4-3-52 SLO 4021
7 11-3-52 SLO 4179
8 18-3-52 SLO 5112 The Goons' version of Rider Haggard's
'She' - entitled 'Her'*
9 25-3-52 SLO 5277
10 1-4-52 SLO 5380
11 8-4-52 SLO 5684 (without Milligan)
12 15-4-52 SLO 6306
13 22-4-52 SLO 6737
14 29-4-52 SLO 6959
15 6-5-52 SBU 83555
16 13-5-52 SLO 7761
17 20-5-52 SLO 8202
18 27-5-52 SLO 8179
19 3-6-52 SLO 9302 (with the BBC Revue Orch. cond. by
Robert Busby)
20 10-6-52 SLO 9307 (with the BBC Dance Orch. cond. by
Wally Stott)
21 17-6-52 SLO 9638 (without Bentine)
22 24-6-52 SLO 9955
23 1-7-52 SLO 10474
24 8-7-52 SLO 11378 (recorded 29-6-52)
25 15-7-52 SLO 10808 (recorded 6-7-52)
* this is the first in-series show to have a single plot lasting
through the programme.
3rd Series
From now on billed as 'THE GOON SHOW'
Basic cast - Sellers, Secombe, Milligan, with Geldray, Ellington and
orchestra conducted by Wally Stott. Announcer Andrew Timothy.
Bentine has now left.
Produced by Peter Eton, except 18 & 19 produced by Charles Chilton
Scripts by Spike Milligan and Larry Stephens, edited by Jimmy
All except 7 broadcast Tuesdays: pre-recorded the previous Sunday
(except 2-22).
The shows have 3 parts; the title given is usually that of the middle
1 11-11-52 SLO 17297 Fred of the Islands(2)
2 18-11-52 SOX 82948 The Egg of the Great Auk(3)
3 25-11-52 SLO 18332 I Was a Male Fan Dancer(2)
4 2-12-52 SLO 18613 The Saga of HMS AldQate(2)
5 9-12-52 SLO 18848 The Expedition for Toothpaste(4)
(without Milligan)
6 16-12-52 SLO 19414 The Archers(2) (without Milligan)
7 26-12-52 SLO 19526 Robin Hood(6) (Christmas Pantomime-
45 minutes: without Milligan; with
Dick Emery & Carole Carr)
8 30-12-52 SLO 19783 Where Does Santa Claus Go in the
Summer?(6) (without Milligan, with
Ellis Powell)
9 6-1-53 SLO 20338 The Navy, Army, and Air Force(2)
(without Milligan, with Dick Emery)
10 13-1-53 SLO 20695 The British Way of Lif(2) (without
Milligan, with Graham Stark)
11 20-1-53 SLO 20948 A Survey of Britain(2)(without Milligan,
with Dick Emery)
12 27-1-53 SLO 21647 Flint of the Flying Squad(2) (without
Milligan, with Graham Stark)
13 3-2-53 SOX 86757 Seaside Resorts in Winter(2) (without
Milligan, with Dick Emery)
14 10-2-53 SLO 22493 The Tragedy of Oxley Tower(3)
(without Milligan, with Graham
Stark & Valentine Dyall)
15 17-2-53 SLO 22860 The Story of Civilization(7) (without
Milligan, with Dick Emery)
16 24-2-53 SLO 22973 The Search for the Bearded Vulture(3)
(without Milligan, with Graham Stark)
17 3-3-53 SLO 23540 The Mystery of the Monkey's Paw(8)
(Milligan returns; with Dick Emery)
18 10-3-53 SLO 24224 The Mystery of the Cow on the Hill(9)
19 17-3-53 SLO 24432 Where Do Socks Come From?(3)
24-3-53 No transmission owing to the death of
Queen Mary
20 31-3-53 SLO 24764 The Man Who Never Was(10)
(recorded 22-3-53)
21 7-4-53 SLO 25520 The Building of the Suez Canal(3)
(recorded 29-3-53)
22 14-4-53 SLO 25873 The De Goonlies(3) (recorded 5-4-53)
23 21-4-53 SLO 26517 The Conquest of Space(2)
24 28-4-53 SLO 26797 The Ascent of Mount Everest(3)
25 5-5-53 SLO 27952 The Story of the Plymouth Hoe Armada(3)
SP 3-6-53 SLO 29390 Coronation edition(11) (40 minutes;
recorded 1-6-53; without Geldray,
with Graham Stark)
Notes to 3rd series
The titles given (with one exception) are taken from the fronts of the
scripts in BBC Script Library, where they have been pencilled in. In
most cases the title is applicable to the middle section of the show
(details are given below). As these shows are episodic any titling is
bound to be somewhat arbitrary, but it should be emphasized that,
from the point of view of the listener, this series would not be regarded
as having titles, still being in the traditional variety format.
2. Title given is that of middle part of show.
3. Title given is that of parts 2 and 3 of show.
4. At this point Milligan went into hospital suffering from a nervous
breakdown. This show and the next bad already been written;
after a few weeks Milligan resumed writing the shows in collab-
oration with Larry Stephens. The title given here is of the middle
sketch, which later re-appeared in the 20th of the 4th series.
5. This show, which has a straight-through plot, is credited on the
front of the script to 'Thomas Alcock & William Bull (from the
original Alcock and Bull story)'. It was in fact mostly written by
Jimmy Grafton (working for 36 hours continuously!), Milligan
being in hospital and Larry Stephens unwell. The opening
few pages were re-used in the 14th of the 5th series.
6. In the absence of an official title, the title of the final sketch has
been adopted (the answer being that he stays in Greenland on
account of Eskimo Nell). The middle sketch is a re-make, with a
few additions, of 'The Archers' (middle part of no. 6 of this
series). Ellis Powell, who makes a brief appearance, was the
current Mrs. Dale of 'Mrs. Dale's Diary'.
7. 'The Story of Civilization', which is the middle episode, is a
re-make of part of the 6th of the 1st series.
8. The title given here is of the first sketch; the remainder of the
show is 'The Search for Brigadier Winchmold'.
9. The title given here is that of the first sketch; the remainder of
the show is 'The Siege of Khartoum', used again in no. 18 of the
4th series.
10. The title given is parts 2 and 3; this story appears again, in
expanded form, as the 27th of the 6th series, and then again as
the 21st of the 8th series.
11. This show, which sticks to one plot the whole way through,
purports to present a recorded commentary on the Coronation
4th Series
Scripts 1-9 and 11-20 by Spike Milligan and Larry Stephens; no.
by Larry Stephens; remainder by Spike Milligan.
Announcer Andrew Timothy (nos. 1-5); then Wallace Greenslade.
Produced by Peter Eton, except no. 15 produced by Jacques Brow
Nos. 1-20 (except 13) broadcast on Fridays, nos. 21-30 on Monday
all pre-recorded the previous Sunday.
1 2-10-53 TLO 35079 The Dreaded Piano Clubber(2)
2 9-10-53 TLO 35432 The Man Who Tried to Destroy
London's Monuments(8)
3 16-10-53 TLO 35740 The Ghastly Experiments of Dr.
Hans Eidelburger(4)
4 23-10-53 TLO 36235 The Building of Britain's First
Atomic Cannon(5)
5 30-10-53 TLO 37145 The Gibraltar Story(6)
6 6-11-53 TLO 37511 Through the Sound Barrier in an
Airing Cupboard(7)
7 1-11-53 TLO 37898 The First Albert Memorial to the
8 20-11-53 TLO 38482 The Missing Bureaucrat(7)
9 27-11-53 TLO 37891 Operation Bagpipes
10 4-12-53 TLO 39091 The Flying Saucer Mystery(8)
11 11-12-53 TLO 39790 The Spanish Armada(8)
12 18-12-53 TLO 40412 The British Way
SP 25-12-53 TLO 40660 Short insert in 'Christmas Crackers'
(which also contained contributions
from other Variety shows) (recorded
13 26-12-53 TLO 40660 The Giant Bombardon (with
Michael Bentine)
14 1-1-54 TLO 40965 Ten Thousand Fathoms Down in a
15 8-1-54 TLO 41242 The Missing Prime Minister
16 15-1-54 TLO 41552 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Crun(10)
17 22-1-54 TLO 42416 The Mummified Priest
18 29-1-54 TLO 42842 The History of Communications(11)
19 5-2-54 TLO 48011 The Kippered Herring Gang
20 12-2-54 TLO 49072 The Toothpaste Expedition(12)
21 15-2-54 TLO 49191 The Case of the Vanishing Room
22 22-2-54 TLO 49628 The Great Ink Drought of 1902(13)
23 1-3-54 TLO 50206 The Greatest Mountain in the World
24 8-3-54 TLO 50546 The Collapse of the British Railway
Sandwich System
25 15-3-54 TLO 50871 The Silent Bugler(14)
26 22-3-54 TLO 51429 Western Story(15)
27 29-3-54 TLO 51769 The Saga of the Internal Mountain
28 5-4-54 TLO 52346 The Invisible Acrobat(16) (Ellington
29 12-4-54 TLO 52583 The Great Bank of England Robbery
(Ellington pre-recorded)
30 19-4-54 TLO 52599 The Siege of Fort Knight (Ellingt
with Peter Brough and Archie
Andrews, Peter Sellers, Spike
Milligan, Harry Secombe, Hattie
Jacques, and the BBC Variety
Orchestra, conductor Paul Fenoulhet.
Script by Eric Sykes and Spike
Produced by Roy Speer. Recorded
Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe, Spike
Milligan and Andrew Timothy.
Written by Spike Milligan. Without
musicians or audience.
Produced by Peter Eton. Recorded
Notes to 4th series
With this series, the shows begin for the first time to take on
familiar dramatic format, although it is not until the second half of
series that the majority of the shows have a straight-through half-hour
plot (apart from the musical items, of course). As yet the shows were
not given titles at the time of writing, with the result that the situat
has become rather confused. Spike Milligan has titled his own copies
of the scripts with abbreviated titles that are really more of a shorthand
indication of the content. Someone has written in pencil on the front
of the BBC Script Library copies titles which tend to be based on
opening announcements; however, as many of the shows have a short
opening sketch with the main part of the programme starting only
after the first musical items, these titles tend to be misleading.
The titles given in the list opposite are derived from both sources
with a tendency to use Milligan's titles where there is a choice
between two reasonably acceptable alternatives. Only one show in this
series has been preserved in BBC Sound Archives (no. 23)- in this
case the BBC title has been retained in preference to Milligan's.
1. Not coherently announced.
2. Three-episode show, the middle section is 'The Dreaded Piano
3. This story occupies the second and third episodes of the show.
4. The first part of the show is 'The Adventures of Fearless Harry
Secombe', a 'serial' which appears at the start of several shows;
the title given for the show is the subtitle of this first section.
The remainder of the show is about the ascent of Mount Everest.
5. Announced as title. This is the first show in this series to have
single plot lasting through all three parts.
6. The title given applies to parts 2 and 3.
7. The first part of the show is 'The Further Adventures of Fearless
Harry Secombe - A Race to the Death'. 'The Missing Burea-
crat' is parts 2 and 3.
8. The first part of the show is again 'The Adventures of Fearless
Harry Secombe' (the title given on the BBC Script Library
copy); however, the main part of the show is about flying
saucers, and as Spike Milligan's copy of the script is missing
and therefore no title has been given for it, I have taken the
liberty of inventing a title.
9. In the first part of the show 'Harry Proves he is Not a Dog';
parts 2 and 3 are the story of the Armada.
10. Announced as 'Crime Does Not Pay Income Tax'.
11. Part one of the script is 'The History of Communications';
originally part of the 7th of the 1st series and later re-worked
into 'The GPO Show'. Parts 2 and 3 are 'The Siege of Khar-
toum', originally part of the 18th of the 3rd series.
12. The first part of the script was originally used in the 2nd of the
2nd series; 'The Toothpaste Expedition' was originally used in
the 5th of the 3rd series.
13. Announced as 'Hansard Unexpurgated'.
14. The nearest to an announcement is 'take the case of Agent X2....'
15. Announced as 'Brain!' (inspired by the film, Shane).
16. Announced as 'Bulletto'.
Fourteen of these scripts were re-worked for the 'Vintage Goon'
series recorded in 1957/8 for Transcription Services.
5th Series
From now on the announcer is Wallace Greenslade.
Scripts for shows 1-6 by Spike Milligan, remainder by Milligan and
Eric Sykes.
Produced by Peter Eton.
Broadcast Tuesdays, pre-recorded the previous Sunday, except nos.
14 and 20.
1 28-9-54 TLO 62960 The Whistling Spy Enigma
2 5-10-54 TLO 63962 The Lost Gold Mine (of Charlotte)(2)
3 12-10-54 TLO 64018 The Dreaded Batter-Pudding Hurler
(of Bexhill-on-Sea)(3)
4 19-10-54 TLO 64443 The Phantom Head Shaver (of
5 26-10-54 TLO 64692 The Affair of the Lone Banana
6 2-11-54 TLO 65467 The Canal (with Valentine Dyall)
7 9-11-54 TLO 65972 Lurgi Strikes Britain(1) (TS: Lurgi
Strikes Again)
8 16-11-54 TLO 67106 The Mystery of the Marie Celeste
9 23-11-54 TLO 67320 The Last Tram (from Clapham)
10 30-11-54 TLO 67468 The Booted Gorilla (found?)
11 7-12-54 TLO 68322 The Spanish Suitcase(1)
12 14-12-54 TLO 68149 Dishonoured, or The Fall of Neddie
13 21-12-54 TLO 69220 Forog
14 28-12-54 TLO 69221 Ye Bandit of Sherwood Forest
(recorded 19-12-54: with Charlotte
15 4-1-55 TLO 70044 Nineteen-Eighty-Five(5) (orch. cond.
by Bruce Campbell)
16 11-1-54 TLO 70045 The Case of the Missing Heir(1)
17 18-1-55 TLO 70610 China Story
18 25-1-55 TLO 72116 Under Two Floorboards - A Story
of the Legion(1)
19 1-2-55 TLO 71797 The Missing Scroll(4)
20 8-2-55 TLO 71798 Nineteen-Eighty-Five(5) (recorded
30-1-55: with John Snagge - pre-
21 15-2-55 TLO 72450 The Sinking of Westminster Pier(6)
22 22-2-55 TLO 72538 The Fireball of Milton Street(7)
23 1-3-55 TLO 73044 The Six Ingots of Leadenhall Street(8)
24 8-3-55 TLO 73495 Yehti
25 15-3-55 TLO 74145 The White Box of Great Bardfield(1)
26 22-3-55 TLO 74489 The End(9) (TS: - reissue only:
Confessions of a Secret Senna-pod
Notes to 5th series
With the beginning of this series, the first to be taken by the BBC
Transcription Services, the shows become the familiar and well-
remembered full-length stories, featuring by now most of the best-
known characters. This is the only series honoured by Radio Times
with a synopsis and cast list for most shows (although these get
progressively more divorced from reality as the series wears on).
1. Not coherently announced.
2. Announced as 'Death in the Desert'.
3. Announced as 'The Terror of Bexhill-on-Sea'.
4. Announced as 'The Lost Music of Purdom'.
5. Inspired by Nigel Kneale's television adaptation of Orwell's 1984.
The show was such a success that the script was repeated by
popular demand: the second appearance is not a recorded repeat,
but a new performance of the script, which was re-typed, in-
corporating all but one of the timing cuts made for the first version.
In the second show Snagge (pre-recorded) reads the telescreen
announcement near the beginning: in the original this is read by
6. Billed in Radio Times (and Programme Index) as 'The Six Ingots
of Leadenhall Street'; the script was changed at short notice to a
story inspired by the appearance of a photograph of the floating
pier at Westminster under several feet of water with an 'Out of
Order' notice being pinned to it. Greenslade tries to announce the
show as 'The Six Ingots of Leadenhall Street' (insisting that the
Radio Times is never wrong): finally Sellers announces it as 'The
Port of London Authority's valuable hand-carved, oil-painted,
valuable floating pier'.
7. 'Milton Street' is the name of a village in Sussex.
8. The title situation for this show can best be described as confusing.
The front of the script, Radio Times, Programme Index and the
'Programme as Broadcast' files give the title as 'The Terrible
Blasting of Moreton's Bank'. However, the show is in fact 'The
Six Ingots of Leadenhall Street', the script postponed from
15-2-55 (see note 6), is announced as such, and titled as such by
TS. Strictly speaking, the title opposite ought to match the
official files, but since the 'Six Ingots' title makes more sense,
and in fact would have been the official title of the script had
not the last-minute change of plan happened, I have decided to
adopt It
9. Announced as 'The Confessions of a Secret Senna-pod Drinker'.
6th Series
Scripts by Spike Milligan (SM) except where indicated; ES=Eric
Sykes, LS=Larry Stephens.
Produced by Peter Eton (nos. 1-21) and Pat Dixon (nos. 22-27).
Broadcast Tuesdays, pre-recorded the previous Sunday (except nos.
10 & 15).
1 20-9-55 TLO 86722 The Man Who Won the War(2) (SM & ES)
(TS: Seagoon MCC)
2 27-9-55 TLO 87028 The Secret Escritoire (SM & ES)
3 4-10-55 TLO 87493 The Lost Emperor(1)
4 11-10-55 TLO 88253 Napoleon's Piano(3)
5 18-10-55 TLO 88477 The Case of the Missing CD Plates(4)
6 25-10-55 TLO 88977 Rommel's Treasure(5)
7 1-11-55 TLO 89727 Foiled by President Fred(6)
8 8-11-55 TLO 90136 Shangri-La Again(7)
9 15-11-55 TBU 52103 The International Christmas
22-11-55 (No. 10 postponed to 3-4-56,(9)
replaced by repeat of 'China Story',
first broadcast 18-1-55)
11 29-11-55 TLO 91637 The Sale of Manhattan(10)
(TS: The Lost Colony)
12 6-12-55 TLO 92346 The Terrible Revenge of Fred
SP 8-12-55 TLO 92849 The Missing Christmas Parcel - Post
Early for Christmas (ES) (15 minutes-
broadcast in Children's Hour;
recorded 27-11-55: without
musicians). Devised and produced by
Peter Eton and John Lane
13 13-12-55 TLO 93483 The Lost Year
14 20-12-55 TLO 93839 The Greenslade Story (with John
15 27-12-55 TLO 93838 The Hastings Flyer - Robbed(12)
(recorded 18-12-55)
16 3-1-56 TLO 94673 The Mighty Wurlitzer
17 10-1-56 TLO 94832 The Raid of the International
Christmas Pudding(1)
18 17-1-56 TLO 95608 Tales of Montmartre (SM & ES)
(with Charlotte Mitchell)
19 24-1-56 TLO 95990 The Jet-Propelled Guided NAAFI(1)
20 31-1-56 TLO 96271 The House of Teeth(1) (with Valentine
21 7-2-56 TLO 97228 Tales of Old Dartmoor (orch. cond.
by Bruce Campbell)
22 14-2-56 TLO 97297 The Choking Horror (orch. cond. by
Bruce Campbell)
23 21-2-56 TLO 98295 The Great Tuscan Salami Scandal(13)
(without musicians, with John
Snagge - pre-rec.)
24 28-2-56 TLO 98661 The Treasure in the Lake(14) (orch
cond. Bruce Campbell)
SP 1-3-56 TLO 98662 The Goons Hit Wales (5 1/2 minute
insert in St. David's Day programme,
recorded 26-2-S6)
25 6-3-56 TLO 98778 The Fear of Wages(15) (SM & LS)
26 13-3-56 TLO 98950 Scradje (SM & LS) (with John
Snagge - pre-rec.)
27 20-3-56 TLO 99481 The Man Who Never Was(16) (SM & LS)
10 3-4-56 TLO 90647 The Pevensey Bay Disaster(9) (recorded
SP 29-8-56 TLO 11466 China Story (SM & ES)(17) (recorded
24-8-56 at the National Radio Show.
Produced by Dennis Main Wilson)
Notes to 6th series
1. Not coherently announced.
2. Announced as 'Seagoon MCC' (because he was a batman...).
3. The script and the Programme Index entry are wrongly titled
'The Sale of Manhattan'.
4. Announced as 'A Strange Case of Diplomatic Immunity'.
5. Announced as 'The Search for Rommel's Treasure'.
6. Announced as 'In Honour Bound'.
7. Announced as 'Lost Horizon'.
8. Announced as 'The Great International Christmas Pudding'.
9. On the day the show was recorded there was a serious train crash
at Didcot in which 10 people were killed and 116 injured. In
view of the fact that the show contains a train crash, the broadcast
was cancelled and replaced with a repeat of 'China Story' from
the previous series. (See 'The Hastings Flyer - Robbed'(12)).
10. Announced as 'The Lost Colony'.
11. Announced as 'Fred Fu-Manchu and his Bamboo Saxophone'.
12. This script is identical to that for 'The Pevensey Bay Disaster'
(see note 9), incorporating the timing cuts made for that oc-
casion; only the announcements are changed, to 'The Hastings
Flyer'. The earlier version of the show is the one issued by TS,
as they recorded directly by line from the studio, so that to them
'The Hastings Flyer' was a repeat. 'The Pevensey Bay Disaster'
was eventually broadcast two weeks after the end of the series,
so that to the British listeners 'The Hastings Flyer' is the original
4th Series
Scripts 1-9 and 11-20 by Spike Milligan and Larry Stephens; no.
by Larry Stephens; remainder by Spike Milligan.
Announcer Andrew Timothy (nos. 1-5); then Wallace Greenslade.
Produced by Peter Eton, except no. 15 produced by Jacques Brow
Nos. 1-20 (except 13) broadcast on Fridays, nos. 21-30 on Monday
all pre-recorded the previous Sunday.
1 2-10-53 TLO 35079 The Dreaded Piano Clubber(2)
2 9-10-53 TLO 35432 The Man Who Tried to Destroy
London's Monuments(8)
3 16-10-53 TLO 35740 The Ghastly Experiments of Dr.
Hans Eidelburger(4)
4 23-10-53 TLO 36235 The Building of Britain's First
Atomic Cannon(5)
5 30-10-53 TLO 37145 The Gibraltar Story(6)
6 6-11-53 TLO 37511 Through the Sound Barrier in an
Airing Cupboard(7)
7 1-11-53 TLO 37898 The First Albert Memorial to the
8 20-11-53 TLO 38482 The Missing Bureaucrat(7)
9 27-11-53 TLO 37891 Operation Bagpipes
10 4-12-53 TLO 39091 The Flying Saucer Mystery(8)
11 11-12-53 TLO 39790 The Spanish Armada(8)
12 18-12-53 TLO 40412 The British Way
SP 25-12-53 TLO 40660 Short insert in 'Christmas Crackers'
(which also contained contributions
from other Variety shows) (recorded
13 26-12-53 TLO 40660 The Giant Bombardon (with
Michael Bentine)
14 1-1-54 TLO 40965 Ten Thousand Fathoms Down in a
15 8-1-54 TLO 41242 The Missing Prime Minister
16 15-1-54 TLO 41552 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Crun(10)
17 22-1-54 TLO 42416 The Mummified Priest
18 29-1-54 TLO 42842 The History of Communications(11)
19 5-2-54 TLO 48011 The Kippered Herring Gang
20 12-2-54 TLO 49072 The Toothpaste Expedition(12)
21 15-2-54 TLO 49191 The Case of the Vanishing Room
22 22-2-54 TLO 49628 The Great Ink Drought of 1902(13)
23 1-3-54 TLO 50206 The Greatest Mountain in the World
24 8-3-54 TLO 50546 The Collapse of the British Railway
Sandwich System
25 15-3-54 TLO 50871 The Silent Bugler(14)
26 22-3-54 TLO 51429 Western Story(15)
27 29-3-54 TLO 51769 The Saga of the Internal Mountain
28 5-4-54 TLO 52346 The Invisible Acrobat(16) (Ellington
29 12-4-54 TLO 52583 The Great Bank of England Robbery
(Ellington pre-recorded)
30 19-4-54 TLO 52599 The Siege of Fort Knight (Ellingt
with Peter Brough and Archie
Andrews, Peter Sellers, Spike
Milligan, Harry Secombe, Hattie
Jacques, and the BBC Variety
Orchestra, conductor Paul Fenoulhet.
Script by Eric Sykes and Spike
Produced by Roy Speer. Recorded
Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe, Spike
Milligan and Andrew Timothy.
Written by Spike Milligan. Without
musicians or audience.
Produced by Peter Eton. Recorded
Notes to 4th series
With this series, the shows begin for the first time to take on
familiar dramatic format, although it is not until the second half of
series that the majority of the shows have a straight-through half-hour
plot (apart from the musical items, of course). As yet the shows were
not given titles at the time of writing, with the result that the situat
has become rather confused. Spike Milligan has titled his own copies
of the scripts with abbreviated titles that are really more of a shorthand
indication of the content. Someone has written in pencil on the front
of the BBC Script Library copies titles which tend to be based on
opening announcements; however, as many of the shows have a short
opening sketch with the main part of the programme starting only
after the first musical items, these titles tend to be misleading.
The titles given in the list opposite are derived from both sources
with a tendency to use Milligan's titles where there is a choice
between two reasonably acceptable alternatives. Only one show in this
series has been preserved in BBC Sound Archives (no. 23)- in this
case the BBC title has been retained in preference to Milligan's.
1. Not coherently announced.
2. Three-episode show, the middle section is 'The Dreaded Piano
3. This story occupies the second and third episodes of the show.
4. The first part of the show is 'The Adventures of Fearless Harry
Secombe', a 'serial' which appears at the start of several shows;
the title given for the show is the subtitle of this first section.
The remainder of the show is about the ascent of Mount Everest.
5. Announced as title. This is the first show in this series to have
single plot lasting through all three parts.
6. The title given applies to parts 2 and 3.
7. The first part of the show is 'The Further Adventures of Fearless
Harry Secombe - A Race to the Death'. 'The Missing Burea-
crat' is parts 2 and 3.
8. The first part of the show is again 'The Adventures of Fearless
Harry Secombe' (the title given on the BBC Script Library
copy); however, the main part of the show is about flying
saucers, and as Spike Milligan's copy of the script is missing
and therefore no title has been given for it, I have taken the
liberty of inventing a title.
9. In the first part of the show 'Harry Proves he is Not a Dog';
parts 2 and 3 are the story of the Armada.
10. Announced as 'Crime Does Not Pay Income Tax'.
11. Part one of the script is 'The History of Communications';
originally part of the 7th of the 1st series and later re-worked
into 'The GPO Show'. Parts 2 and 3 are 'The Siege of Khar-
toum', originally part of the 18th of the 3rd series.
12. The first part of the script was originally used in the 2nd of the
2nd series; 'The Toothpaste Expedition' was originally used in
the 5th of the 3rd series.
13. Announced as 'Hansard Unexpurgated'.
14. The nearest to an announcement is 'take the case of Agent X2....'
15. Announced as 'Brain!' (inspired by the film, Shane).
16. Announced as 'Bulletto'.
Fourteen of these scripts were re-worked for the 'Vintage Goon'
series recorded in 1957/8 for Transcription Services.
5th Series
From now on the announcer is Wallace Greenslade.
Scripts for shows 1-6 by Spike Milligan, remainder by Milligan and
Eric Sykes.
Produced by Peter Eton.
Broadcast Tuesdays, pre-recorded the previous Sunday, except nos.
14 and 20.
1 28-9-54 TLO 62960 The Whistling Spy Enigma
2 5-10-54 TLO 63962 The Lost Gold Mine (of Charlotte)(2)
3 12-10-54 TLO 64018 The Dreaded Batter-Pudding Hurler
(of Bexhill-on-Sea)(3)
4 19-10-54 TLO 64443 The Phantom Head Shaver (of
5 26-10-54 TLO 64692 The Affair of the Lone Banana
6 2-11-54 TLO 65467 The Canal (with Valentine Dyall)
7 9-11-54 TLO 65972 Lurgi Strikes Britain(1) (TS: Lurgi
Strikes Again)
8 16-11-54 TLO 67106 The Mystery of the Marie Celeste
9 23-11-54 TLO 67320 The Last Tram (from Clapham)
10 30-11-54 TLO 67468 The Booted Gorilla (found?)
11 7-12-54 TLO 68322 The Spanish Suitcase(1)
12 14-12-54 TLO 68149 Dishonoured, or The Fall of Neddie
13 21-12-54 TLO 69220 Forog
14 28-12-54 TLO 69221 Ye Bandit of Sherwood Forest
(recorded 19-12-54: with Charlotte
15 4-1-55 TLO 70044 Nineteen-Eighty-Five(5) (orch. cond.
by Bruce Campbell)
16 11-1-54 TLO 70045 The Case of the Missing Heir(1)
17 18-1-55 TLO 70610 China Story
18 25-1-55 TLO 72116 Under Two Floorboards - A Story
of the Legion(1)
19 1-2-55 TLO 71797 The Missing Scroll(4)
20 8-2-55 TLO 71798 Nineteen-Eighty-Five(5) (recorded
30-1-55: with John Snagge - pre-
21 15-2-55 TLO 72450 The Sinking of Westminster Pier(6)
22 22-2-55 TLO 72538 The Fireball of Milton Street(7)
23 1-3-55 TLO 73044 The Six Ingots of Leadenhall Street(8)
24 8-3-55 TLO 73495 Yehti
25 15-3-55 TLO 74145 The White Box of Great Bardfield(1)
26 22-3-55 TLO 74489 The End(9) (TS: - reissue only:
Confessions of a Secret Senna-pod
Notes to 5th series
With the beginning of this series, the first to be taken by the BBC
Transcription Services, the shows become the familiar and well-
remembered full-length stories, featuring by now most of the best-
known characters. This is the only series honoured by Radio Times
with a synopsis and cast list for most shows (although these get
progressively more divorced from reality as the series wears on).
1. Not coherently announced.
2. Announced as 'Death in the Desert'.
3. Announced as 'The Terror of Bexhill-on-Sea'.
4. Announced as 'The Lost Music of Purdom'.
5. Inspired by Nigel Kneale's television adaptation of Orwell's 1984.
The show was such a success that the script was repeated by
popular demand: the second appearance is not a recorded repeat,
but a new performance of the script, which was re-typed, in-
corporating all but one of the timing cuts made for the first version.
In the second show Snagge (pre-recorded) reads the telescreen
announcement near the beginning: in the original this is read by
6. Billed in Radio Times (and Programme Index) as 'The Six Ingots
of Leadenhall Street'; the script was changed at short notice to a
story inspired by the appearance of a photograph of the floating
pier at Westminster under several feet of water with an 'Out of
Order' notice being pinned to it. Greenslade tries to announce the
show as 'The Six Ingots of Leadenhall Street' (insisting that the
Radio Times is never wrong): finally Sellers announces it as 'The
Port of London Authority's valuable hand-carved, oil-painted,
valuable floating pier'.
7. 'Milton Street' is the name of a village in Sussex.
8. The title situation for this show can best be described as confusing.
The front of the script, Radio Times, Programme Index and the
'Programme as Broadcast' files give the title as 'The Terrible
Blasting of Moreton's Bank'. However, the show is in fact 'The
Six Ingots of Leadenhall Street', the script postponed from
15-2-55 (see note 6), is announced as such, and titled as such by
TS. Strictly speaking, the title opposite ought to match the
official files, but since the 'Six Ingots' title makes more sense,
and in fact would have been the official title of the script had
not the last-minute change of plan happened, I have decided to
adopt It
9. Announced as 'The Confessions of a Secret Senna-pod Drinker'.
6th Series
Scripts by Spike Milligan (SM) except where indicated; ES=Eric
Sykes, LS=Larry Stephens.
Produced by Peter Eton (nos. 1-21) and Pat Dixon (nos. 22-27).
Broadcast Tuesdays, pre-recorded the previous Sunday (except nos.
10 & 15).
1 20-9-55 TLO 86722 The Man Who Won the War(2) (SM & ES)
(TS: Seagoon MCC)
2 27-9-55 TLO 87028 The Secret Escritoire (SM & ES)
3 4-10-55 TLO 87493 The Lost Emperor(1)
4 11-10-55 TLO 88253 Napoleon's Piano(3)
5 18-10-55 TLO 88477 The Case of the Missing CD Plates(4)
6 25-10-55 TLO 88977 Rommel's Treasure(5)
7 1-11-55 TLO 89727 Foiled by President Fred(6)
8 8-11-55 TLO 90136 Shangri-La Again(7)
9 15-11-55 TBU 52103 The International Christmas
22-11-55 (No. 10 postponed to 3-4-56,(9)
replaced by repeat of 'China Story',
first broadcast 18-1-55)
11 29-11-55 TLO 91637 The Sale of Manhattan(10)
(TS: The Lost Colony)
12 6-12-55 TLO 92346 The Terrible Revenge of Fred
SP 8-12-55 TLO 92849 The Missing Christmas Parcel - Post
Early for Christmas (ES) (15 minutes-
broadcast in Children's Hour;
recorded 27-11-55: without
musicians). Devised and produced by
Peter Eton and John Lane
13 13-12-55 TLO 93483 The Lost Year
14 20-12-55 TLO 93839 The Greenslade Story (with John
15 27-12-55 TLO 93838 The Hastings Flyer - Robbed(12)
(recorded 18-12-55)
16 3-1-56 TLO 94673 The Mighty Wurlitzer
17 10-1-56 TLO 94832 The Raid of the International
Christmas Pudding(1)
18 17-1-56 TLO 95608 Tales of Montmartre (SM & ES)
(with Charlotte Mitchell)
19 24-1-56 TLO 95990 The Jet-Propelled Guided NAAFI(1)
20 31-1-56 TLO 96271 The House of Teeth(1) (with Valentine
21 7-2-56 TLO 97228 Tales of Old Dartmoor (orch. cond.
by Bruce Campbell)
22 14-2-56 TLO 97297 The Choking Horror (orch. cond. by
Bruce Campbell)
23 21-2-56 TLO 98295 The Great Tuscan Salami Scandal(13)
(without musicians, with John
Snagge - pre-rec.)
24 28-2-56 TLO 98661 The Treasure in the Lake(14) (orch
cond. Bruce Campbell)
SP 1-3-56 TLO 98662 The Goons Hit Wales (5 1/2 minute
insert in St. David's Day programme,
recorded 26-2-S6)
25 6-3-56 TLO 98778 The Fear of Wages(15) (SM & LS)
26 13-3-56 TLO 98950 Scradje (SM & LS) (with John
Snagge - pre-rec.)
27 20-3-56 TLO 99481 The Man Who Never Was(16) (SM & LS)
10 3-4-56 TLO 90647 The Pevensey Bay Disaster(9) (recorded
SP 29-8-56 TLO 11466 China Story (SM & ES)(17) (recorded
24-8-56 at the National Radio Show.
Produced by Dennis Main Wilson)
Notes to 6th series
1. Not coherently announced.
2. Announced as 'Seagoon MCC' (because he was a batman...).
3. The script and the Programme Index entry are wrongly titled
'The Sale of Manhattan'.
4. Announced as 'A Strange Case of Diplomatic Immunity'.
5. Announced as 'The Search for Rommel's Treasure'.
6. Announced as 'In Honour Bound'.
7. Announced as 'Lost Horizon'.
8. Announced as 'The Great International Christmas Pudding'.
9. On the day the show was recorded there was a serious train crash
at Didcot in which 10 people were killed and 116 injured. In
view of the fact that the show contains a train crash, the broadcast
was cancelled and replaced with a repeat of 'China Story' from
the previous series. (See 'The Hastings Flyer - Robbed'(12)).
10. Announced as 'The Lost Colony'.
11. Announced as 'Fred Fu-Manchu and his Bamboo Saxophone'.
12. This script is identical to that for 'The Pevensey Bay Disaster'
(see note 9), incorporating the timing cuts made for that oc-
casion; only the announcements are changed, to 'The Hastings
Flyer'. The earlier version of the show is the one issued by TS,
as they recorded directly by line from the studio, so that to them
'The Hastings Flyer' was a repeat. 'The Pevensey Bay Disaster'
was eventually broadcast two weeks after the end of the series,
so that to the British listeners 'The Hastings Flyer' is the original
13. There was a musicians' strike on at the time. In common
other Variety shows, the cast made do without music. This show
and the next also include Milligan's famous ballad 'I'm Walkin8
Backwards for Christmas'. The programme is not coherently
14. Announced as 'The Treasure of Loch Lomond'.
15. Inspired by the film 'The Wages of Fear'.
16. This is an expanded version of the script which formed parts 2
& 3 of the 20th of the 3rd series. It appears again in the 8~h
17. This is a new production of no. 17 of the 5th series - the scrip~
is almost identical.
7th Series
Scripts by Milligan and Larry Stephens, except nos. 2 and 23, by
.~~illigan only.
Produced by Pat Dixon, except nos. 1 and 2 produced by Peter Eton.
Broadcast Thursdays, except nos. 10 and 13 broadcast Wednesdays.
Pre-recorded the previous Sunday (except nos. 6,14,15 and 16).
1 410-56 TLO 12681 The Nasty Affair at the Burami
2 l l-10-56 TLO 11799 Drums Along the Mersey (with
Valentine Dyall)
3 18-10-56 TLO 14585 The Nadger Plague2
4 25-lo-56 TLO 14586 The MacReekie Rising of ~74
(without Milligan, with George
5 l~ 56 TLO 15209 The Spectre of Tintagel (with
Valentine Dyall)
8~ 56 (No. 6 postponed to 142-573;
replaced by repeat of 'The Greenslade
Story', first broadcast 20-12-55)
7 15~ 56 TLO 15801 The Great Bank Robbery
8 22~ 56 TLO 16600 Personal Narrative'
9 29~ 56 TLO 16989 The Mystery of the Fake Neddie
SeagoonsS (TS: The Case of the
: Fake Neddie Seagoons)
SP for TS TLO 17360 Robin Hood~ (with Valentine Dyall
only and Dennis Price) (recorded 2-12-56;
not broadcast in Britain)
lo 5-12-56 TLO 17361 What's My Line?
Il 13-12-56 TLO 17963 The Telephone
~ 12 20-12-56 TLO 18731 The Flea
SP 2412-56 TLO 17962 Operation Christmas Duff7 (special
- GOS only overseas edition - recorded 9-12-56)
13 26-12-56 TLO 19238 Six Charlies in Search of an Author
14 3- l-57 TLO 19237 Emperor of the Universe (rec.
15 lo- l-57 TLO 20041 Wings Over Dagenham (rec.
30-12-56) (with George Chisholm)
16 17- l-57 TLO 20042 The Rent Collectors (rec. 30-12-57)
(with Bernard Miles)
17 24- l-57 TLO 21509 Shifting Sandsl (with Jack Train~)
18 31- l-57 TLO 21793 The Moon Show
19 7- 2-57 TLO 23090 The Mysterious Punch~up-the-
6 14 2-57 TLO 14930 The Sleeping Prmce8 (recorded
4 ~ 56)
20 21- 2-57 TLO 22507 Round the World in Eighty Days -.
21 28- 2-57 TLO 23565 Insurance, the White Man's Burden
22 7- 3-57 TLO 24413 The Africa Ship Canala
23 14- 3-57 TLO 24461 Ill Met by Goonlight
24 21- 3-57 TLO 24999 The Missing Boa Constrictorl
25 28 -3-57 TLO 26030 The Histories of Pliny the Elder
Notes to 7th senes
1. Not coherently announced.
2 Announced as 'The Great Nadger Plague'.
3 This show, which parodies a Latin-Arnerican type revolution, ~~ :
postponed owing to the international situation at the titne (arno4 .
other things, the Hungarian uprising was taking place). j
4 Announced as 'The Personal Narrative of Captain Neddie S ~
5 Annouuced as 'The Great Art Mystery, or The Case of the Fak ~
Neddie Seagoon'.
6. Announced as 'Robin Hood and his Mirry Mon'. This shou, -
whuch was recorded specially for TS and not broadcast in th:~ .
country (although it has been issued on Parlophone PMC 713_~ ~
is partially based on the script originally broadcast 28-12-54 a~ _
'Ye Bandit of Sherwood Forest' (14th of 5th series). _-
7. The BBC General Overseas Service was at this tirne broadcastia~
entirely on short waves, so that this show could only have be~~ -
heard in this country - and then not very satisfactorily - b! i
listeners equipped with short-wave receivers. The show ~
aimed largely at the British Armed Forces overseas.
8. As Colonel Chinstrap (from 'ITMA'). It is interesting that tr~~
character, although from a different show a decade earlier, fi~ i
into the Goon Show frarnework with no sense of suain.
9. Announced as 'The Great Trans-Africa Canal'. 1
SP 2~ 8-57 TLO 35307 THE REASON WHY
Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe, Spike 1
Milligan, and Valentine Dyall.
Announcer: Wallace Greenslade. 1
Music pre-recorded: no audience.
Produced by Jacques Brown. 1
Recorded 11-8-57- 1
8th Series
Scripts by Spike Milligan (SM), Larry Stephens (LS), John Antrobus
(JA), and Maurice Wiltshire (MW), as indicated.
Produced by Charles Chilton (nos. 1-5 & 17-26), Roy Speer (nos.
~14), and Tom Ronald (nos. 15 & 16).
i Broadcast Mondays, pre-recorded the previous Sunday (except no. ~
. 1 30- 9-57 TLO 38857 Spon (SM) (without Secombe, with
i Dick Emery)
-_ 2 7-10-57 TLO 39090 *The Junk Affairl (SM & LS)
~ 3 1410-57 TLO 39928 The Burning Embassyl (SM & LS)
. 4 21-10-57 TLO 40052 *The Great Regent s Park Swim (SM
~ 5 28-10-57 TLO 40562 The Treasure in the Towerl (SM &
6 411-57 TLO 41101 *The Space Age (SM & LS)
- 7 11 ~ 57 TLO 41712 The Red Fort2 (SM & LS)
_ 8 18 ~ 57 TLO 41935 *The Missing Battleshipl (SM & LS)
(without Geldray)
' 9 25 ~ 57 TLO 42750 The Policy (SM & LS)
10 2-12-57 TLO 42899 *King Solomon's Mines (SM & LS)
11 9-12-57 TLO 43427 The Stolen Postman (LS)
12 16-12-57 TLO 44167 *The Great British Revolution (SM
& LS)
13 23-12-57 TLO 44618 The Plasticine Man (SM & LS)
(without Ellington)
14 30-12-57 TLO 45270 *African Incidentl (SM & LS) (with
Cecile Chcvreau)
15 6- 1-58 TLO 45929 The Thing on the Mountain
16 13- 1-58 TLO 46344 *The String Robberies~ (SM) (with
George Chisholm)
17 20- 1-58 TLO 47306 The Moriarty MurderMystery(LS&
18 27- 1-58 TLO 47557 The Curse of Frankenstein4 (SM)
(rec. 19-1-58) (without Ellington,
with George Chisholm)
19 3- 2-58 TLO 47740 The White Neddie Trade (LS&
20 10- 2-58 TLO 48542 Ten Snowballs that Shook the
World (SM)
21 17- 2-58 TLO 49421 *The Man Who Never Was6 (SM &
22 2~4 2-58 TLO 49663 *World War One¡ (SM) (TS:' I')
* N special TS series of 'Vmt8ge Goons' ~ased on scripts from the 4h series) w8~
recorded on the same datcs 8s the shows marked * ~see page ~49).
23 3- 3-58 TLO 50040 *The Spon Plague7 (SM & JA) (wi ~
George Chisholm)
24 10 -3-58 TLO 51225 *Tiddleywinksl (SM) (with John !
25 17- 3-58 TLO 50769 *The Evils of Bushey SponS (SM)
- (with A. E. Matthews)
26 24 3-58 TLO 51440 *The Great Statue Debatel (SM &
Notes to 8th serles
1 - ~ot coherentdy announced.
2 Announced as 'A Tale of India'.
3. Announced as 'The Great String Robberies'. I
4. Announced as 'The Curse of Frankenstein - BLAST!' and th~
continues as a story entitled 'My Heart's in the Highlands'. !
5. This script is a re-working of no. 27 and of the 6th series, itse~'
an expanded version of part of no. 20 of the 3rd series. It is t~
6th series version which has been issued by Transcription Servic~
6. The script is tided ' !' as are the TS issues: the announ~
titde is written as ' ~' and pronounced as a faint murmur-
Milligan's interpretation of illegible writing on a faded ma_u-
7. Announced as 'The Great Spon Plague'.
8. Inspired by a real-life row A. E. Matthews was having with his
local council about a concrete lamp-post they wanted to put
outside his house. (There is also a reference to this in the previou~
show). Mr Matthews appears only in the last five minutes of th~-
show, which are ad-libbed by all concerned owing to Mr Ma~-
thews's utter refusal to stick to the plot.
¥ *a special TS series of 'Vintage Goons' (based on scripts from the 4h series) w~
recorded on thc same dates as the shows marked * (see pa~e 149).
I 'Vintage Goons'
~ series recorded specially for TS.
Scripts by Spike Milligan.
; Produced by Charles Chilton (nos. 1, 2, & 9-14), Roy Speer (nos.
. ~7), and Tom Ronald (no. 8).
-- Recordcd Sundays together with 8~ series shows.
recorded TS tape no
1 6-1~57 Tl/AG/2966 *The Mummined Priest
2 2~10-57 T7jAG/3654 *The Greatest Mountain in the
= World
3 3 ~ 57 Tl/AG/3054 The Missing Ten Downing Street2
4 17 ~ 57 TS/AG/4309 *The Giant Bombardon (with
- Valentine Dyall)
- 5 1-12-57 TS/AG14341 The Kippered Herring Gang
6 15-12-57 TSIAG14382 *The Vanishing Room
7 29-12-57 TSIAG14417 The Ink Shortage3
8 12- 1-58 Tl/AG/3875 The Mustard and Cress Shortage'
- 9 16- 2-58 Tl/AG/3965 The Internal Mountain
10 23- 2-58 TS/AG/4597 The Silent Buglerj
11 2- 3-58 T2/AG/4043 *The Great Bank of England
, Robbery~
12 9- 3-58 Tl/AG/4025 The Dreaded Piano Clubber
- 13 16- 3-58 TS/AG/4661 The Siege of Fort Night
; 14 2~ 3-58 T2/AG/4060 *The Albert Memorial7
- ~SiY of these ~hows were bro8dc~t on Mondays inunediatdy prior tO the 9th seri":
broadcast BH tape no.
1 22- 9-58 TLO 65468 The Mummined Priest
2 29- 9-58 TLO 65469 The Greatest Mountain in the
- World
- 4 6-10-58 TLO 65470 The Giant Bombardon
6 13-1(~58 TLO 65471 The Vanishing Room
, 11 2~10-58 TLO 65472 The Great Bank of England
14 27-10-58 TLO 65473 The Albert Memorial
T Notes to 'Vintage Goons'
c All scripts in this series are based on scripts from the 4th series, o
. with a certain amount of re-writing. When six of these shows ~
j~j broadcast in the Home SeNice immediately prior to the 9th sc;
{ Radio Times contrived, in a badly-worded write-up, to give the
i pression that they were recorded r~peats of 4th series shows. To ~
i to the confusion, the repeat series broadcast in 1964 and 1970 ~t
~ billed as 'Vinuge Goons', although none of the shows concerned c~:
1i from the original 'Vinuge Goon' series, some of which have still ric
~ been broadcast in this counuy.
~j 2. Based on 4115 and announced as 'The Missing Prime Ministc~
~ 3. Based on 4122 and announced as 'Hansard UneYpurgated'.
~ 4. Based on 4124 and announced as 'The Collap8e of the Bri~
~~j Railway Sandwich System'.
~ 5. Based on 4125; the nearest to an announcement is 'take the C
s of Agent X2'.
~ - 6. Announced f~rst as 'Open Cas~book' and later by t'ne official u
~ 7. Announc~d as 'The First Albert Memorial to the Moon'.
9th Series
Scripts by Spike Milligan (except no. 7).
Produced by John Browell.
Broadcast Mondays, except no. 12 broadcast Tuesday; pre-recorded
~revious Suuday.
1 3~ 58 TLO 68887 The Sabara Desert Statuel
2 1~11-58 TLO 68950 I Was Monty's Treble
3 17~ 58 TLO 69769 The ~1,000,000 Penny2
4 24~ S8 TLO 70536 The Parn's Paper Insll~ncePolicyl
s l-12-58 TLO 71336 The Mountain Eatersl
6 8-12-58 TLO 71467 The Childe Harolde Rewardel
7 15-12-58 TLO 72138 The Seagoon Mernoirsl (script by
Larry Stephens and Maurice
8 22-12-58 TLO 72851 Queen Anne's Rainl
9 29-12-58 TLO 73413 The Battle of Spion Kopl
lo s- l-59 TLO 74315 Ned's Atomic Dustbinl (with John
Snagge - pre-rec.)
ll 12- l-59 TLO 7S177 Who Is Pink Oboe?~ (without Sellers;
- with Kenneth Connor, Valentine
Dyau, Grabarn Stark, Jack Train and
John Snagge, (who was pre-rec.))
12 20- l-59 TLO 76074 The Call of the West'
13 26- l-59 TLO 76177 Dishonoured - Again~
14 2- 2-s9 TLO 76513 The Scarlet Capsule' (with Andrew
Tirnothy - pre-rec.)
15 9- 2-59 TLO 77465 The Tay Bridgel (with George
- Chishokn)
16 16- 2-59 TLO 77725 The Gold Plate Robbery7
17 23- 2-59 TLO 78107 The ~50 Curel (without Secombe,
with Kenneth Connor)
~otes to 9th series
l. Not coherently announced.
2. Announced as 'The Story of a Crime-Type Murder'. After th'
first musical break it becomes 'Ned the Miser' - it is this pan
which is the story of the £1,000,000 Penny. TS's publicity for
their re-issue of this as 'Pick of the Goons' No. 81 wrongly
describes it as 'The £1,000 Penny'. Inr~ation?
3. Announced as 'The Spy, or . . .'. Sellers developed throat troublc
shortly before the recording and the other four actors werc
brought in by John Browell at very short notice. They take th'
various parts written for Sellers, with minimal re-writing. Dyall
replaces Grytpype-Thynne, Connor replaces Williurn and a f~w
others, Stark replaces Henry Crun (the Min and Henry episodc
becomes an Irish couple who are not as successful as the oth~r
replacements) and Train as Colonel Chinstrap, replaces Major
~ Bloodnok.
~ Announced as 'Captain Stingo, or Goon Law, or Anythinggggggg
5. Announced as 'I Knew Terence Nuke' ('From the book, I K~
Tere~e Nuke, by Eileen Beardsmore-Lewisham, tiddley-doo
spot, we present the play, "I Knew Terence Nuke", from the boo~
by Eilcen Beardsmore-Lewisham'). This show is a new productior~
of the script first broadcast as 'Dishonoured, or The Fall of
' Neddie Seagoon', 12th of 5th series; there are only slight varia-
tions in the text. It is this later version which has been issued on
Parlophone PMC 1108, despite their title of 'Dishonoured'.
6. Announced as 'Quatermass O.B.E.'. This show is a parody of thc
highly successful BBC-TV serial 'Quatermass and the Pit'.
Andrew Tmmothy, who is pre-recorded, reads annoumcements a~
the beginning and end of the show that were originally intended
to be read by John Snagge.
7. Annourrced (eventually) as 'The Kleens of Blenchinghall, th~
story of an ordinary English comedy half-hour'.
lOth Series
Scripts by Spike Milligan.
Produced by John Browell.
Broadcast Thursdays, pre-recorded the previous Sunday.
1 24-12-59 TLO 3710 A Christrnas Carol2
2 31-12-59 TLO 4230 The Tale of Men's Shirts~
3 7- 1~0 TLO 5015 The Chinese Legsl (with John Snagge
4 1~ 1~0 TLO 5454 Robin's Pos*
5 21- 1~0 TLO 6251 The Silver Dubloonsl (withValentine
6 28 -1-60 TLO 6786 The Last Smoking Seagoons (with
' John Snagge - pre-rec.)
Notes to Ioth senes
1. Not coherently armounced.
2. Annoumced as 'A Merry Christmas and Custard'.
3. Announced as 'Tales of Men's Shirts (a story of down under).'
4. Announced as 'The Story of Lord Seagoon, Playboy of the
Western Approach~s'.
5. Announced as 'The Last-of the Smoking Seagoons'.
_ ~ ~ar in-series repeats are not listed, only additional out-of-
t ~ ~ ~peats. Dates and series/number references are given.
I ~~ Goon Shows on Light Programme, Fridays at 1930
I ~ ~ 55 5/1 The Whistling Spy Enigma
_ ~ ~55 512 The Lost Gold Mine (of Charlotte)
- ~ ~55 514 The Phantom Head Shaver (of Brighton)
~ ~55 515 The Affair of the Lone Banana
- ~- ~55 516 The Canal
t ~55 5110 The Booted Gorilla (found?)
. 1~ ~55 5112 Dishonoured, or The Fall of Neddie Seagoon
~ 6-55 5117 China Story
~ ~ ~55 5122 The Fireball of Milton Street
L~~cing 'The Pevensey Bay Disaster' (see 6th series, note 9)
~ 55 5117 Chi~a Story
- ~n Show Special on Home Service, Monday at 1900
~ 56 SP The Starlings
- .~~ee Goon Shows on Home Service, Tuesdays at 2030 (2 weeks after
' ~ of 6th series)
i ~ ~56 611o Thc Pevensy Bay Disaster (first broadcast: this is
' the same script as 'The Hastings Flyer-
Robbed': see 6th series, note 12)
:-~ 456 619 The International Christrnas Pudding
~ 456 6114 The Greenslade Story
~lacing 'The Great Tuscan Salami Scandal' (see 6th series, note 13)
~eat on Light Programrne, Sunday at 1530
~ 5-56 6119 The Jet-Propelled Guided NAAFI
~ ~placing 'The Sleeping Prince' (see 7th series, note 3)
~11-56 6114 The Greenslade Story
SIY Goon Shows on Home Service, Thursdays at 2030 (following the
- ~ 4 57 711 The Nasty Affair at the Burami Oasis
~ 4-57 713 The Nadger Plague
1~ 4-57 716 The Sleeping Prince
~ 457 7113 . Six Charlies in Search of an Author
2- 5-57 7112 The Flea (broadcast at 2155)
9 -5-57 7122 The Africa Ship Canal
l~ series 'The Best of the Best' on Light Progran~me, Monday at 1931
31- ~59 9113 Dishonoured -Again
Seven Goon Shows on Home Service, Thursdays at 1930 (following
~he lOth series)
~ 2-60 9/3 ~ Thc £1,000,000 Penny
11- ~60 915 The MountainEaters
, 155
18- 2-60 9/8 Queen Anne's Rain
25- 2~0 9/12 The Call of the West
3- ~¡ 9116 The Gold Plate Robbery
10- 3-60 9114 The Scarlet Capsule
17- 3-60 9/13 Dishonoured - Again
In series 'The Best of the Best' on Light Programme, Sunday at 1415
7- 8-60 1012 The Tale of Men's Shirts
One Goon Show on Home Service, Saturday at 1310
13-10-62 5/3 The Dreaded Batter-Pudding Hurler (of
Nine shows broadcast under the title 'Vintage Goons' (not from th~
TS series); Home Service, Fridays at 2130
31- 1-64 617 Foiled by President Fred
7- 2~4 712l Insurance, the White Man's Burden
1~ 2-64 918 QueenAnne's Rain
21- 2~ 5114 Ye Bandit of Sherwood Forest
2~ 2-64 812l The Man Who Never ~as
6- 3-64 917 The Seagoon Memoirs
13- 3-64 9113 Dishonoured - Again
20- 3-64 714 The MacReekie Rising of '74
27- 3-64 91l6 The Gold Plate Robbery
In series 'Let's Laugh Again' on Home Service, Friday at 2130
20- 8-65 917 The Seagoon Memoirs
(the first half of this transmission was marred by
a technical fault on the reproducing equipment)
Five Goon Shows on Radio 4, Fridays at 1900
18- 7-69 5125 The White Box of Great Bardfield
25- 7-69 519 , The Last Tram (from Clapham)
1- 8-69 915 The Mountain Eaters
8- 8-69 517 Lurgi Strikes Britain
15- 8-69 1016 The Last Smoking Seagoon
One Goon Show on Radio 4, Thursday at 2130
2~12-69 10ll A Christmas Carol
Eight shows broadcast under the title 'Vintage Goons' not from th~
TS series); Radio 4, Saturdays at 2000
8- 8-70 518 The Mystery of the Marie Celeste (Solved)
15- 8-70 5117 China Story
22- 8-70 512l The Sinking of Westminster Pier
29- 8-70 5124 Yehti
5- 9-70 7117 Shifting Sands
12- 9-70 61l8 Tales of Montmartre
19- 9-70 8123 The Spon Plague
2~ 9-70 912 I Was Monty's Treble
In series 'The Great Shows, 1938-1963', on Radio 2, Sunday at 1430
and Friday at 2002
~2~ll 72 61l9 TheJet-PropelledGuidedNAAFI
Goon Show Special on Radio 4, Bank Holiday Monday at 1345
~ 5-73 SP The Reason Why
In series 'The Late Show' on Radio 4, Saturday at 2300
~ 3-74 81l6 The String Robberies
In compilation programme 'The Sumrner Show' on Radio 4, Bank
Holiday Monday at 1130
26- 8-74 51ll The Spanish Suitcase
'Encore the Goons' series on Radio 4, Fridays at 1815 (from TS
r~-lssue versions)
17- 1-75 613 The Lost Emperor
¥ 24 1-75 6125 The Fear of Wages
31- 1-75 712 ' Drums Along the Mersey
7- 2-75 81lo King Solomon's Mines
14 2-75 916 The Childe Harolde Rewarde
- 21- 2-75 913 The £1,000,000 Penny
28- 2-75 619 The Intemational Christmas Pudding
- 7- 3-75 1015 The Silver Dubloons
14 3-75 514 The Phantom Head Shaver (of Brighton)
21- 3-75 81l7 The Moriarty Murder Mystery
Starting in 1954, the BBC Transcription Services recorded th~ ~
Shows for issue on pressed lonpplaymg records to overseas ~
stations, who can buy the right to use them for a limited p~.~.
usually about two years from the date of issue. The original issu~ ~~
cut by up to two minutes (topical references and supposedly offc~~~
gags being removed) to run to about 29'30~ with some playour~ ~~
re-issues ('Pick of the Goons') have further slight cuts, no pla~
and, in most cases, a shortened version of the closing signatur~ t~
They all run to 27'00~. These records cannot be made available lo ~
public, for contractual reasons.
The shows are listed numerically as issued with serieslnur~
1 511 The Whistling Spy Enigma
' 2 512 The Lost Gold Mine
/ 3 514 The Phantom Head Shaver
4 515 The Affair of the Lone Banana
5 516 The Canal
6 518 The Mystery of the Marie Celeste - Solved
7 5112 Dishonoured, or The FaU of Neddie Seagoon
8 51l6 The Case of the Missing Heir
9 5117 China Story
10 5118 Under Two Floorboards
11 . 5119 The Missing Scroll
12 512l The Sinking of Westminster Pier
13 5126 The End
14 614 Napoleon's Piano
15 616 Rommel's Treasure
16 618 Shangri-La Again
17 619 The International Christmas Pudding
18 6110 The Pevensey Bay Disaster
19 611l The Lost Colony (original tide 'The Sale of
20 6113 The Lost Year
21 61l6 The Mighty Wurlitzer
22 6118 Tales of Montmartre
23 615 The Case of the Missing CD Plates
24 6120 The House of Teeth
25 612l Tales of Old Dartmoor
26 6122 The Choking Horror
27 6124 The Treasure in the Lake
28 6123 The Great Tuscan Salami Scandal
29. 6126 Scradje
30 6127 - The Man Who Never Was
4 7~ Drums Along the Mersey
~ 714 The MacRe~ie Rising of '74
~ 7jS The Spectre of Tintagel
~ 7j8 Personal Narrative
ee 719 The Case of the Fake Neddie Seagoons (original
tide 'The Mystery of the Fake ~eddie Seagoons')
~ 71l2 The Flea
~ 7113 Six Charlies in Search of an Author
~ 7/15 Wings Over Dagenbam
~ 7117 Shifting Sands
~ ~ 7118 The Moon Show
~ 7119 The Mysterious Punch-up-the-Conker
~ ~ 7~6 The Sleeping Prince
~ 7120 Round the World in Eighty Days
~ 712l Insurance, the White Man's Burden
o 7122 The Africa Ship Canal
~ 7123 Ill Met By Goonlight /
C 7124 The Missing Boa Constrictor
~ ~ Special Robin Hood
~ ~ 812 The Junk Affair
~ ~ 814 The Great Regent'sPark Swim
~ ¥; 816 The Space Age
i ~~ 815 The Treasure in the Tower
~ 818 The Missing Batdeship
_ ~ 819 The Policy
'_ ~5 811o King Solomon's Mines
- ~ 8111 The Stolen Postman
_ ~7 8112 The Great British Revolutiorl
e ¥~ 8113 The Plasticine Man
~9 8114 African Incident
- ~ 8116 The String Robberies
~ ol 8/17 The Moriarty Murder Mystery
- ~ 8/3 The Burning Embassy
~3 8/20 Ten Snowballs that Shook the World
~ 8/18 The Curse of Frankenstein
- oS 8/22 'Ñ1' (original title 'World War One')
~ ~ 8/23 The Spon Plague
o7 9/2 I Was Monty's Treble
68 9/3 The £1,000,000 Penny
o9 9/4 The Parn's Paper Insurance Policy
70 9/5 The Mountain Eaters
71 9/7 The Seagoon Memoirs
72 9/8 Queen Anne's Rain
- 73 9110 Ned's Atomic Dustbin
' 74 916 The Childe Harolde Rew~rde
75 9/12 The Call of the West
76 9jl4 The Scarlet Capsule
77 9/15 The Tay Bridge
78 9/13 Dishonoured - Again
79 9/16 The Gold Plate Robbery
= 80 9/17 The £50 Cure
~1 1012 The Tale of Men's Shirts
82 1013 The Chinese Legs I
83 1014 Robin's Post
84 1015 The Silver Dubloons i
85 10/6 The Last Smoking Seagoon
86 1011 A Christmas Carol
87 5/14 ~Ye Bandit of Sherv~ood Forest ¥ ,
88 5/3 -- The Dreaded Batter-Pudding Hurler (of -'
89 5/7 Lurgi Strikes Again (original title 'Lurgi Strikes
90 5/9 ~-The Last Tram~ ;
91 5/10 -- The Booted Gori!la ~ I
92 5/11 The Spanish Suitcase ~
93 5/13 .- Forog .
--94 5/22 ÑThe Eireball of Milton Stree~
95 5/23 - The Six Ingots of Leadenhall Street ~
96 5124 - Yehti
97 6/1 ~-Seagoon MCC (original title 'The Man Who Won~'.
the War')
98 612 -The Secret Escritoire
99 61l9 - Phe Jet-PropeUed Guided NAAFI
100 713 -The Nadger Plague
101 7/7 -~he Great Bank Robbery
102 7/10 --~hat's My Iine?-
103 7/11 --The Telephone
104 7/14 ~ nperor of the Universe .
105 7/25 - The Histories of Pliny the Elder
106 8/15 ~ The ~~g on tne Mountain
107 8126 -The Great Statue Debate
For full details of the 'V~TAGE GOONS' series, see the Chrono-
logical Index, p. 128
Listed numericauy as issued, with series/number references (V=
Vintage Goons).
The CN number~ apply to eacn series; the whole series is ordered at a
First series - CN a67
1 5/1 ¥- 'l he Whistling Spy Enigma
2 5/5 - The Affair of the Lone Banana
3 6/4 .~apoleon's Piano
4 V/l ~ c Mummified Priest
5 6/26 - S~dje
6 6/6 - --Romm~'5 Treasure
7 618 - Shangri-La Again ~
8 V/14 -~The Albert Memorial
9 V/2 ~- l he Greatest Mountain in the World
10 V/6 - The Vanishing Room
11 V/9 - The Internal Mountain
- 12 V/ll ~ The Great Bank of England Robbery
-13 6/27 The Man Who Nt~ er Was j
14 7/9 --The Case of the Fake Neddie Seagoorls (original
title 'The Mystery of the Fake Neddle Seagoons"
15 7/12 - The Flea -
16 7/18 ~The Moon Show .
17 7/19 --The Mysterious Punch-up-the-Conker
18 7/20 - Round the World in Eighty Days .
19 7/21 -Ir.s~lrance, the White Man's Burden
20 7/23 -- Ill Met By Goonlight
21 8/4 -The Great Regent's Park Swim .
22 8/9 --The Policy
23 9/5 The Mountain Eaters
24 9/8 ¥-~ueen Anne's Rain ~
- 25 9/12 The Call of the West
26 9/16 - The Gold Plate Robbery
Seco~ senes - CN 756
27 5/2 -The Lost Gold Mine
28 5/6 ~The Canal
29 5/8 The Mystery of the Marie Celeste - Solvcd ~
30 5/16 The Case of the Missing Heir
31 5119 The Missing Scroll .
32 5j21 - The SirJJking of Westminster Pier~
-~3 5/26 - CorJfessions of a Secret Senna-pod Drinker
- (original ti~e 'The End')
34 6/10 Thc Pevensey Bay Disaster-
35 6/11 The Lost Colony (original title 'The Sale of
36 6/18 Tales of ~Sontmartre -
37 6/22 The Choking Horror
- 38 6/24 The Treasure in the Lake
39 7/5 -The Spectre of Tintagel
40 7/8 ~ l'crsonal Narrative
41 7/15 WirJgs Over Dagenham
42 7/17 - Shifting Sands
43 7/22 '. The Africa Ship Canal
44 7/24 - The Missing Boa Constrictor
45 8/6 The Space Agcj
46 8/5 The Treasure in the To~~1er
47 8/11 The Stolcn Postrnan
48 8/12 The Great British Revolutjon ~~
49 8/3 The Burning Embassy,
50 8/20 Ten Snowballs that Shook thc World
-51 8/18 ~ihe Curse of Frankcnstein~
52 8/22 ' Ñ1' (origirJal title 'World War One')
53 8/23 The Spon Plague
54 9!2 l~ Was Monty's Treble
SS 9j7 The Seagoon Memoirs
56 10/4 Robin's Post .
57 10~6 The Last Smoking Seagoon
58 10/1 A Christmas Carol
~hird series - CN 1546/SS
59 Sj4 --The Pllantom Head Shaver .
60* 5/25 - The White Box of Great Bardneld-'
615/18 - Under Two Floorboards .
62*6/3 - The Lost Emperor v~
63 6/5 - The Case of the Missing CD l'lates J
64 7/6 - The Sleeping Prince,.
656/9 ÑThe Intemational Christmas Pudding I
66*, 6/14 -The Greenslade Storv ~'
676/20 - The House of Teeth ~'
686/23 -The Great Tuscan Salami Scandal
69* 6/25 The Fear of Wages~ i
70*7/1 - The Nasty Affair at the Burami Oasis ~
717/2 . Drmns along the Mersey J
Four~h series - C~ ~645/55
72* 6/7 ÑFoiled by President Fred ~l
73* 7/16 ~~The Rent Collector (original title 'The Renc~
74V/4 ~ The Giant Bombardon;
75 8/10 Ñ.''~ Solomon's Mines v
76 8/13 - 'l'he Plasticine Man . i
- 77 8/17 ~ 'he Moriarty Murder Mystery;; ~;
78 8/16 .-The String Robberies ~~
79V/10 .'-The Silent Bugler .~ .
80* 9/1 -~he Sahara Desert Statue ~
81 9/3 -'I'he £1,000,000 Pernny .
82 9/6 ' ~ he Childe Harolde Reu;arde
8310/5 ' The Silver Dubloons. ~'
84Special - Robin Hood /'
* not previowly issucd by Trdnscripdon Services Additional Notes 1985
Parody of George Orwell's book
Affair of the Lone Banana, The
Ned Seagoon tries defends the last British banana tree in
South America
Booted Gorilla, The
Our heros on the track of a gorilla in Africa
Bulldog Seagonn's First Case
Sherlock Holmes/Boy's Own-type story
Call of the West, The
Wild West America story.
Case of the Missing CD Plates, The
Ned Seagoon is struck by a steamroller with CD plates and then
a piano without
China Story
Ned Seagoon has to get a piano across China
In which Ned Seagoon steals some gold from his bank but has to
flee the country
Dreaded Batter Pudding Hurdler of Bexhill-on-Sea, The
The story of the same
Drums Along the Mersey
In which Ned Seagoon tries to prove that all Welsh people come
from Brazil (Kon-Tiki voyage parody)
Evils of Bushey Spon, The
About the colour of a lamp post
Fireball of Milton Street, The
In which the villagers of Milton Street put out a fire on the
sun (hasn't it gone dark suddendly)
Flea, The
Concerning a flea
In which Ned Seagoon attempts to get rid of London's fog, but
the statues of London object
Great Bank Robbery, The
GTT & M. rob a bank by lifting it into the air with a zeplin
Great Saharra Statue, The
Ned Seagoon is convienced to pose as a statue of the Saharra
Desert and gets hit by an atom bomb
Great Statue Debate, The
Should the leather statue of King James II be replaced by a
compressed tobacco one of Sir Walter Riely? We are just about
to find out when GTT evicts the MPs from teh houses of Parliment
Great Tuscan Salami Scandal, The
Concerning the theft of a salami
Greatest Mountain in the World, The
Ned & co attempt to conquer Mount Fred ... a mountain higher
than Mt Everest, but underwater
Greenslade Story, The
The story of announcer Wallace Greenslade
Guided Naffi, The
Concerning a rocket powered Naffi..
Histories of Pliny the Elder, The
Set in Roman times, Ned is made a slave...
House of Teeth, The
Concerning someone who wants 50 pairs of castenettes
I Was Monty's Treble
Parody of ``I Was Monty's Double'' (WW II movie)
Ill Met By Goonlight
Parody of ``Ill Met By Moonlight'' (WW II movie)
Insurance -- The White Man's Burden
In which Ned tries to set fire to the English channel to claim
the insurance
International Christmas Pudding, The
Ned searches for the Great Internation XMas Pud in darkest Africa
Jet-Propelled Naafi, The
(same as before)
Last Tram (from Clapham), The
Concerning the last tram in London...
Last of the Smoking Seagoons, The
Concerning Ned, and the Ascot tobacco company... the very last
regular Goon Show
Lost Colony, The
Ned tries to claim he is a native American Indian to get Manhattan
Lurgi Strikes Britan
A mysterious disease invades Britian (yack-a-back-co!)
Macreekie Rising of '74, The
Concerning Scotsmen invading England...
Man Who Never Was, The
Another WW II parody... from the film of the same legs
Moriarity Murder Mystery, The
In which M is murdered, and Inspector Ned Seagoon has to find
the killer
Mysterious Punch-Up-The-Conker, The
Concerning the title
Mystery of the Marie Celeste (solved), The
Ned Seagoon investigates (and solves) the disapperance of the ship
Napoleon's Piano
Ned is convienced to bring a piano back from France for #5
Nasty Affair at the Burami Oasis, The
The Arabs want to win the football match with the garason at
Burami Oasis, and the British send a battleship there...
Ned Seagoon MCC
Ned Seagoon tries to get out of the Army
One Million Pound Penny, The
A penny is left #10e6 in a will
Phantom Head Shaver of Brighton, The
Concerning the same
Plasticne Man (incomplete), The
GTT & M convience Ned Seagoon to imitate a man of the
Plasticne period...
Rent Collectors, The
Ned is to collect the rent from Death Grange, Slaughter Hill
Robin Hood and His Merry Men
Parody of the same...
Rommel's Treasure
Our cast is searching for treasure buried three feet above
Scarlet Capsule, The
Parody of ``Quatermass''
To stop people's boots exploding, Ned goes to the North Pole
to find fresh scradje
Seagoon Memoirs, The
Ned is going to write his memiors, but there are people who
want to stop him
Secret Escritoire, The
GTT & M want to shrink Ned to 4 inches so they can sell him
lots of tiny suits
The Siege of Fort Knight
We have to get this underwater gas stove to Fort Knight
Shifting Sands
Concerning a fort built on shifting sands
Silent Bugler, The
Cloak and dagger spy stuff
Sinking of Westminster Pier, The
Ned Seagoon investiages why the pier sank
Six Charlies In Search of An Author
Ned Seagoon has to retrieve some comprimising x-ray photos...
Six Ingots of Leadinghall Street, The
GTT & M steal 6 gold bars from the Bank of England
#$ The Sleeping Prince
Parody of the opera ``The Student Prince'' (I think)
Spannish Doubloons
Ned is sent to dig up silver doubloons from a long sunk
Spannish Gallion
Spannish Suitcase, The
Concerning a suitcase in Spain
Tale of Mens Shirts
Ned & co are sent into Germany to find out why British army
shirts are exploding
Tales of Old Dartmoor
Ned is running a jail, but is out of convicts
Telephone, The
Ned has to get a telephone to Henry Crun in Africa
Thing on the Mountain, The
Ned is to find out what the thing on the mountain is
Treasure of Loch Lomond, The
Concerning the treasure in the loch and the people who want to
get it...
Under Two Floorboards
Ned joins the French Foriegn Legion
What's My Line
Parody of the American program of the same name
Whistling Spy Enigma, The
Ned is to sabotage the Hungarian football team, with the aid
of a spy he can only identify by whistling
White Box of Great Bardfield, The
Ned is convienced to send an exhibit of British snow to the
Sudan, but it melts...
Wings over Dagenham
Concerning the invention of the first hairy-plane
World War I
Concerning Ned Seagoon and WW I
Ye Bandits of Sherwood Forest
Another Robin Hood
Yethi, The
Ned searches for the legendary Yethi ... in Yorkshire